Prior Year Grants
2016 Awarded Grants
Pleasants County Public Library
The Pleasants County Public Library is much more than just a library. It’s also a meeting place for many of the organizations in the community. With a grant of $2,300 from the Heart of Pleasants Fund, the library purchased new tables to be used in its meeting rooms.
Pleasants Area Chamber of Commerce
The Pleasants Area Chamber of Commerce promotes the many businesses in our community. With a grant of $2,500, the chamber purchased video equipment to help in its promotional activities.

2015 Awarded Grants
Pleasants County Agricultural Youth Fair
The Pleasants County Agricultural Youth Fair is an important event for students in our community. With a grant of $5,000 from the Heart of Pleasants Fund and many hours of volunteer labor, the fair board erected a hog house and shed where 4-H and FFA members can keep their livestock.
Belmont Volunteer Fire Department
The Belmont Volunteer Fire Department operates a training center. A $1,500 grant from the Doug and Edie Taylor Emergency Services Fund paid for the purchase of new video equipment to be used in that training.
Pleasants County Library
Many Pleasants County residents who utilize our public library have come to enjoy listening to books rather than reading them. With a grant of $1,050 from the Heart of Pleasants Fund, the library was able to purchase many new audio books for its collection.
Pleasants County Office of Emergency Services
The Pleasants County Office of Emergency Services is required to file reports with the state. Those reports are now required to be filed via computer. With a grant of $1,000 from the Doug and Edie Taylor Emergency Services Fund, the PCOES was able to purchase a laptop in order to make those reports.
St. Marys Volunteer Fire Department
Communications are critical in emergency situations. The St. Marys Volunteer Fire Department needed new radio equipment. A grant of $1,976 from the Doug and Edie Taylor Emergency Services Fund allowed the fire department to purchase those radios.

2014 Awarded Grants
Pleasants County Agricultural Youth Fair
The annual Pleasants County Agricultural Youth Fair began in 1999 and over the years became an important event in our community. A grant of $5,000 from the Heart of Pleasants Fund helped the fair board erect a permanent pavilion.
Pleasants Christian Outreach Center
A grant of $1,000 from the Heart of Pleasants Fund allowed the Pleasants Christian Outreach Center to repair the sidewalk in front of Sojourn House, the apartments it operates for people in transition.
Pleasants County Family Resource Network
The Pleasants County Family Resource Network keeps our citizens advised of organizations ready to assist them in their daily lives. One of the many ways it disseminates this information is through a printed Family Resource Guide. With a grant of $1,245 from the Heart of Pleasants Fund, the network was able to update its guide.